About the Book

Enjoy Michael
Garcia’s Book

Have you ever felt like you’ve been somewhere before, even though you know you haven’t? Or sensed a connection to a time long past? In “Not That We Were Here, It’s That We Are Here,” Michael takes us on a fascinating journey into the world of reincarnation and the mysteries of our existence.

From a young age, Michael had vivid memories of past lives. As he grew older, these memories became clearer, guiding him toward discovering his true self and hidden abilities. Through past life regression, Michael explores deep into his subconscious, untying the threads that connect his past to his present.

The book is a reflection on how our past shapes our present and influences our future. It’s about embracing the magic in everyday moments and understanding that each event, no matter how small, plays a part in our soul’s journey.

“Not That We Were Here, It’s That We Are Here” invites readers to question their own experiences and beliefs. It challenges us to look beyond the surface and explore the depths of our consciousness. Join Michael as he uncovers the beauty of living in the now and the profound impact of acknowledging our past lives.


Chapter 1

Reincarnation Some moments in life change the course of your existence forever; these transformative experiences paint our life's canvas, each stroke etching an unforgettable impression. Soon, when you look back at life, you realize…..

Chapter 2

Rich Relationships Soul Faith is a paradox. You’re constantly torn between the existential question of whether your beliefs are your own or have merely been inherited by your upbringing and community. True faith requires...

Chapter 3

Build Something As humans, we crave connection. The whole point of people chasing after love and trying to build relationships is because we all want a witness to our lives, someone who would see us, just so we….

Chapter 4

Diagnosis and a Decision The human spirit is a rather fascinating thing. It bends in the face of hardship, but within that bend lies a hidden strength one that yearns to push back….

Why Read It.

Read “Not That We Were Here, It’s That We Are Here” to discover the hidden mysteries of your own existence. Explore the exciting world of reincarnation through Michael’s fascinating journey. Embrace the magic in everyday moments and unveil the deep connection between your past, present, and future selves.

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